Token information: | Taklimakan Network |
Token symbol: | TKLN |
Token standard: | Ethereum ERC20 |
Token price at Pre-sale: | 1 TKLN = 0,025 USD |
Token price on ICO: | 1 TKLN = 0,05 USD |
Token supply at Pre-sale: | 100.000.000 TKLN |
Token supply at ICO: | 550.000.000 TKLN |
Total token supply: | TKLN |
Soft cap: | 5.000.000 USD |
Hard cap: | 27.500.000 USD |
Accepted currency: | BTC, ETH, BCH, XRP, LTC, NEO, DASH, XMR, NEM, ZEC |
Unsold tokens: | Will be burned |
Taklimakan Network is a reliable tool of earnings for professionals. Each expert can share his trading and analytical abilities with others for a fee.
Functions for Professionals:
Newbies of cryptomarkets can increase their investment skills in crypto assets, get a professional analysis of blockchain start-ups and increase their capital, at the expense of managers.
Functions for Users:
Taklimakan Network - a platform that allows any user, who registered an account as an investor, trader, analyst or asset manager, to earn in and out the platform ecosystem. In more detail, consider three cases of interaction between platform users:
You can find information on :
Website - http://taklimakan.io/
Email - [email protected]
Telegram ANN channel - t.me/taklimakan_news
Telegram English chat - t.me/taklimakan_en
Telegram Russian chat - t.me/taklimakan_ru
Telegram Chinesse chat - t.me/taklimakan_cn
LinkedIn - linkedin.com/company/taklimakan-network/
Facebook - fb.com/taklimakannetwork
Twitter - twitter.com/taklimakan_net
Instagram - instagram.com/taklimakan.network
Medium - medium.com/@taklimakan
Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/Taklimakan/
Bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2426759.0
You can write Berik Yernazar - Business Analyst.
Here's his email : [email protected]